Sleepy Hollow Exterior

This project was made for my Universal Creative Lab Class class at UCF for my Themed Experience M.S. This class was taught by Peter Weishar with frequent guidance from Susan Cummings and Chris Oliver from Universal Creative. The purpose of this class and project is quoted from the Syllabus.

For this project we were to take the ride Men In Black: Alien Attack, in Universal Studio and re-do the ride so that it is a Sleepy Hollow-themed ride. My partner and I were responsible for the Exterior of the ride and the surrounding area that was previously Men in Black themed. We decided to set our ride at a county fair, where you would be visiting a storyteller who would tell the story of the Headless Horse men, inside the old school house, but this celebration has reawaked the headless horseman and he appears to cause mischief.


Kellianne Robinson

Story Artist

Dachshund Themed Bar

Fantasea Lagoon Storyboards

Fairy Floss Food Stall