FantaSea Lagoon Storyboards
Walk through the different attractions of Fantasea Lagoon with these beautiful colorful storyboards, all designs with input from my teammates.
A long time ago the first mermaid was born from sea foam and taken in by a large pod of Manatees. This mermaid gave birth to three mersibilings, who grew to be the Mermaid King Gillian, the oldest brother, the Gentle Mermaid, Queen Maerina, the second sibling, and the youngest sibling, Sirena the Siren Queen. They each ruled over their area of the ocean and raised great civilizations. Gillian had domain over the fish, with his special necklace he could speak to any undersea life and understand their needs. Maerina, the kindest and most gentle of the three, stayed with the Manatees and ruled a people who played and sang together with them and the other mammals of the sea. Sirena ruled the Sirens and sharks, who thought it was fun to play tricks on sailors and lead their ships to crash on rocks.
Slowly each sibling became dissatisfied with their domain and thought they alone had the right to rule over all of the sea, and thus they began to fight, and a great war broke out across the ocean, causing terrible storms and turbulent seas. Maerina was the first to realize how petty their fight truly was. Still, by the time she convinced her siblings to stop fighting and they could all rule the ocean together most of the mermaid civilization was gone, and nothing but the ruins of what they had once built lay in rubble around them. From that day on they decide to rebuild and rule together as a family. Now they welcome you into their society with kindness. Entertaining all their new friends, teaching them the ancient mermaid ways, and showing them the beauty of their underwater world. They are always careful not to make the same mistakes as in the past.
This project was made for my Collaborative Project Studio class at UCF for my Themed Experience M.S. This class was taught by Ashley Edelbrock. The purpose of this class and project is quoted from the Syllabus.
“In this studio course students will work collaboratively on a large-scale themed experience project concept and design. Coursework will emulate a professional production
environment where feasibly, market, budget, and practicality will be considered along with creative concept, aesthetics, storytelling, and entertainment or educational value. Students will utilize the skills and methodology of professional theatre and themed experience production to realize their final project. Students work in groups of three or more with responsibilities in keeping with standard practice for theater and themed entertainment. While practical components will be factored into the final piece, the primary focus of student’s efforts will be on the creative concept and execution of the storytelling, communication, visual clarity, and aesthetics.”
A few of my favorite images from this project
Walk Through a Day at FantaSea Lagoon
Kellianne Robinson
Story Artist